View_gaze labourer, space worker, artproCessor, publicist and publisher.
free-lance, lives and works in Berlin.
Born in Quedlinburg/Harz in 1948, raised in France and Saarland. Study of psychology, sociology, philosophy, fine arts and political science in West Berlin. Teacher’s degree for the subjects fine arts and political science. Youth cultural work (since 1971). Teacher (1977-1981, 1989-1996). Public interventions and wall design (since 1981). Editor for magazine ‘Ästhetik und Kommunikation [Aesthetics and Communication]’ (1978-1987). Academic fine arts instructor at Hochschule der Künste Berlin (1981-1989, today Universität der Künste), key activities: ambulatory artistic practice/artistic research in changing contexts. Professor of arts at the Caspar-David-Friedrich Institute, Universität Greifswald (1996-2014), key activities: researching experimental practices in the fields of drawing, painting, photography, sculpture and space as well as in interdisciplinary contexts. Foundation of the exhibition and study project „eye-[kju:], project space for conceptual contemporary art" (BioTechnikum Greifswald, 2001-2007), together with Daniel Rode (until 2003) and Christine Schmerse. Since founding (2007) member of the „Artcube - space for contemporary art e. V." As representative of Universität Greifswald, lecturer and member of board ‘Ästhetische Bildung [Aesthetic education]‘ for the ‘Akademie der kulturellen Bildung [Academy for cultural education]‘ of the Federation and state NRW (Remscheid; 2007-2014).
Mutual artistic practice with Christine Schmerse since 1987, art travel and ambulant exhibition projects, initially under the name „Die Firma", since 2008 as „bei Schmitz". Foundation of small publishing house ‘bei Schmitz: Kunst, Medien, Räume [by Schmitz: art, media, space]‘.